Researchers Claiming China Is Testing Lethal Viruses, Experts Advise “This Madness Must Be Stopped”

China Is Testing Lethal Viruses, Experts Advise “This Madness Must Be Stopped”
According to a recent study by the Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China researchers are experimenting with a virus known as GX_P2V, which is extremely dangerous and has a 100% fatality rate in mice. According to the study, which was published on bioRxiv, the virus causes sudden and severe symptoms in the brains of mice whose genetic makeup is designed to resemble that of humans. After five days of infection, the mice lost a substantial amount of weight, became lethargic, and developed white eyes. After eight days, the mice died from the virus.🦠 China

The very quick rate of death in the infected mice surprised the China’s researchers, who also brought attention to the possibility that GX_P2V could spread to people. They maintained that the virus offers a distinct paradigm for comprehending the pathogenic mechanisms of viruses similar to SARS-CoV-2, highlighting the necessity for additional research into its possible effects on human health.

When the mice were dissected, researchers found that the virus had affected the lungs, bones, eyes, tracheas, and brains, among other organs. The primary cause of death was determined to be the severity of the brain infection. Though the study is noteworthy for demonstrating a 100% mortality rate in mice infected with this coronavirus-related virus, its potential effects on people are still unknown.


The virus, which is a modified form of GX/2017, was first found in Malaysian pangolins in 2017 and is related to SARS-CoV-2. This disclosure prompts specialists to express their concerns about the possible risks connected to the experimentation. Expert in epidemiology at the Genetics Institute at University College London, Francois Balloux, denounced the study as “horrible” and “scientifically totally pointless,” highlighting the lack of significant learning from randomly infecting genetically engineered mice with a virus.

Retired Stanford medical professor Dr. Gennadi Glinsky expressed similar worries, saying, “This madness must be stopped before it’s too late.” Concerns were increased by the lack of precise information about the research’s biosafety standards and safety measures and by drawing parallels to contentious earlier Wuhan investigations that raised doubts

The Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has been at the epicenter of lab leak allegations concerning the COVID-19 pandemic, does not appear to have any direct ties to the study. Experts, including former intelligence chief John Ratcliffe and health department official Dr. Robert Kadlec, have pointed out contradictions in the public story of the virus’s origins, yet suspicions still exist.

Concerns concerning laboratory trials, especially those involving potentially harmful viruses, have been rekindled by the study’s larger setting. Concerns over the transparency of these research endeavors and the biosafety protocols used highlight the necessity of worldwide monitoring and cooperative efforts to avoid unanticipated outcomes. The report serves as a reminder of the significance of the COVID-19 pandemic as the globe struggles to contain its spread.

A recent study from Beijing University of Chemical Technology has revealed that Chinese scientists have been experimenting with a highly fatal virus called GX_P2V, which has shown a 100% mortality rate in mice. This has raised concerns across the globe. The discovery, which was published on bioRxiv, has sparked concerns and brought attention to the possible risks involved in modifying such harmful viruses.

The virus, which resembles SARS-CoV-2, was discovered in pangolins for the first time in 2017, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the study show that this virus causes rapid and serious damage when it infects mice with genetically modified bodies similar to those of people. The mice lost a large amount of weight, became lethargic, and had a remarkable change in color to white in their eyes within five days after the illness. Surprisingly,

The study presents itself as a novel model for comprehending the pathogenic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2-related viruses and highlights the spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans. Nevertheless, in spite of these claims, important questions concerning the possible effects on humans remain unresolved in the report.

Researchers found that the virus had affected several organs, including the lungs, bones, eyes, tracheas, and brains, after closely examining the mice’s bodies. The main factor leading to mortality turned out to be the severity of the brain infection. Although the study’s finding that mice infected with this coronavirus-related virus had a 100% fatality rate is revolutionary, researchers are nevertheless concerned about the study’s potential effects on human health.

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