Russian Recruitment of 15,000 Nepali Fighters: Traumatized Returnees and Unaccounted Losses

Nepali Fighters in Ukraine: Scars and Losses Haunt a Nation

Ramchandra Khadka stands before a Kathmandu temple, his prayers echoing the anxieties of a nation. He isn’t alone. Countless Nepalis share his anguish, their loved ones fighting a brutal war far away, recruited by Russia to bolster its ranks in Ukraine.

Reports estimate as many as 15,000 Nepalis have joined the conflict, lured by promises of financial gain. But the reality paints a grim picture. Many return bearing physical and emotional scars, forever marked by the horrors witnessed on the frontlines. Some, like Khadka, bear the shrapnel of conflict, both literal and metaphorical. Others never make it back, leaving families shattered and a nation grappling with the human cost of a foreign war.


Khadka’s story is a chilling glimpse into the experiences of these Nepali fighters. Deployed twice to the volatile Bakhmut region, he was wounded by a bullet and later shrapnel from a cluster bomb. The physical injuries are a constant reminder, but the mental wounds run deeper. “I still get a headache when I think about the terrible scenes I saw in the war zone,” he confides.

This isn’t an isolated case. Numerous accounts paint a harrowing picture of Nepalis thrust into a conflict not their own. Many lack proper training and are sent straight into the most dangerous zones. The financial promises often evaporate, replaced by a harsh reality of meager wages and perilous conditions.

The Nepali government, caught in a delicate geopolitical dance, has maintained official neutrality while urging its citizens not to fight in Ukraine. Yet, the lure of financial security in a nation plagued by poverty remains strong, pushing young men towards a desperate gamble.

The consequences are far-reaching. Families lose sons, brothers, fathers. The nation grapples with the influx of traumatized veterans, struggling to reintegrate into society and access proper mental healthcare. The social fabric tears, woven with threads of grief, anger, and unanswered questions.

The story of Nepali fighters in Ukraine is not just about a distant war. It’s a stark reminder of the human cost of conflict, the ripple effects that extend far beyond borders. It’s a call for accountability, urging those who fuel these wars to consider the lives shattered in their wake. And it’s a plea for support, for the families left behind, the veterans battling invisible wounds, and a nation yearning for peace.

This article serves as a starting point. It can be further enriched by including:

  • Specific details about the recruitment process and the promises made to Nepali fighters.
  • Interviews with other Nepali fighters and their families.
  • Information on the efforts being made to support returning veterans and their families.
  • Analysis of the geopolitical factors at play and their impact on Nepal.

Remember, it’s crucial to be objective and present all sides of the story while respecting the sensitivity of the topic.

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