Reality TV Personality Harry Jowsey Opens Up About Skin Cancer Diagnosis

TV personality Harry Jowsey is sending out a heartfelt message to his followers: “Please wear sunscreen.” The 26-year-old, known for his appearances on ABC’s Dancing With The Stars and Netflix’s Too Hot To Handle, recently revealed that he has been diagnosed with skin cancer. Despite the shock of the diagnosis, Jowsey is using his platform to raise awareness and encourage others to take care of their skin.

In a candid TikTok post addressed to his five million followers, the Australian-born influencer shared his personal experience with skin cancer. He disclosed that a spot on his shoulder, which had been there for a year or two, turned out to be skin cancer. “I just want to save and protect one of you guys out there,” he expressed, emphasizing the importance of regular skin checks.

Despite the initial shock, Jowsey reassured his followers that he is “going to be all good” and urged them to take proactive measures to protect their skin, especially with summer approaching. “If you’re a freckly little frog like me, go get a mole map and get your body checked, because you never know,” he advised. His message is clear: early detection can save lives.

Jowsey’s decision to share his diagnosis publicly reflects his commitment to using his platform for good. By opening up about his experience, he hopes to inspire others to prioritize their health and well-being. “Go get your skin checked, wear your sunscreen and be a little bit more responsible because that’s what I’ve got to do now, and it’s very scary,” he admitted.

While Jowsey did not specify the type of skin cancer he has or his treatment plan, his message serves as a wake-up call for his followers to take skin protection seriously. With his fame stemming from reality TV shows and a burgeoning social media presence, Jowsey’s influence reaches millions of people across platforms like Instagram and TikTok.

Despite his popularity, Jowsey remains grounded and focused on using his platform for positive change. His willingness to share his personal struggles, including health issues, highlights his authenticity and relatability. In an age where social media often portrays a curated version of reality, Jowsey’s transparency is refreshing.

As Jowsey embarks on his journey to recovery, his message of sun safety resonates with audiences worldwide. Skin cancer is a preventable disease, and by raising awareness, Jowsey hopes to prevent others from experiencing what he’s going through. His call to action is simple yet powerful: wear sunscreen, get regular skin checks, and prioritize your health.

In the face of adversity, Jowsey’s resilience shines through. Despite the challenges ahead, he remains optimistic and determined to make a difference. His bravery in sharing his story serves as a reminder that no one is immune to health issues, but with awareness and proactive measures, we can protect ourselves and those we care about.

What to look for

Common signs of melanoma to check for include:

  • a new abnormal mole
  • an existing mole that seems to be growing or changing
  • a change to a previous patch of normal skin
  • Change in appearance of a mole, as in these four pictures, can be a sign of melanoma Source:BBC 


  • The ABCDE checklist can help identify if a mole is abnormal:

    A – asymmetrical (does the mole have an uneven shape?)

    B – border (are the edges blurry or jagged?)

    C – colour (is it an uneven colour with different shades and tones?)

    D – diameter (is the mole bigger than your other ones?)

    E – evolving (is it changing, such as starting to itch, bleed or become crusty?)

    These changes will not always be cancer, but it is important to get checked.

    The earlier a melanoma is picked up, the easier it is to treat and the more likely treatment is to be successful.


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