1. Exercise regularly

Boost Your Memory: How Regular Exercise Can Enhance Brain Function

2. Get enough sleep

The Power of Sleep: How Rest Impacts Your Memory and Focu

3. Practice mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness Meditation: A Key Technique to Improve Memory and Reduce Stress"

4. Maintain a healthy diet

Nourish Your Brain: The Impact of Diet on Memory and Cognitive Health"

5. Reduce the intake of added sugar

Sweet Dangers: How Added Sugars Affect Memory and Cognitive Function"

6. Stay organized

Stay Organized, Improve Memory: The Link Between Organization and Focus"

7. Stay hydrated

The Importance of Hydration: How Water Intake Impacts Memory and Concentration"

8. Review information regularly

Memory Retention: The Benefits of Regular Information Review

9. Test yourself on the information

Test Yourself, Improve Your Memory: Effective Study Techniques for Recall"

10. Take breaks

The Science of Rest: How Breaks Enhance Cognitive Function and Memory"