Drive-By Shooting: Tupac was killed by unidentified gunmen in a drive-by shooting while riding with Knight.

Patrol officers initially pulled over their car because it lacked license plates and was blasting music. without citation, released.

At 11:15 p.m. in Las Vegas, shots were fired at the intersection of East Flamingo Road and Koval Lane.

The "Cadillac Shooter" opened fire from the rear of a white Cadillac that drew up next to Knight's car.

Despite suffering from wounds, Knight continued to drive Tupac for a mile before being halted by Bike Patrol, who then called for paramedics.

Hospitalization and Induced Coma: Tupac underwent hospitalization, was severely medicated, put on life support, and had his coma induced.

On September 13, 1996, six days following the shooting, Tupac passed away from respiratory failure and cardiac arrest.

Tupac was 25 years old when he passed away and was already a prominent figure in gangster rap during the 1990s.

Shakur's legacy includes revolutionizing rap, aiding in the growth of hip-hop worldwide, and selling more than 75 million CDs.