Amazon does not have its own store.

Companies like Amazon leverage the power of the internet without owning physical stores, showcasing the transformative nature of online commerce.

Ola does not have its own car.

Ola's success is rooted in its app-based platform connecting drivers and riders, demonstrating the effectiveness of a business model that doesn't require vehicle ownership.

Oyo does not have its own hotel.

Oyo, a prominent player in the hospitality industry, demonstrates an asset-light approach by not owning physical hotels.

YouTube does not create its own content.

YouTube's popularity thrives on user-generated content, illustrating how platforms can succeed by aggregating and showcasing content without creating it themselves.

Netflix does not have any TV channel.

Netflix's absence of traditional TV channels challenges the conventional model, emphasizing the rise of streaming platforms in the digital era.

Bitcoin does not have any physical coin.

Bitcoin, lacking physical representation, showcases the potential of digital currencies and decentralized systems, redefining the concept of traditional money.

Zomato does not have any restaurant.

Zomato's success lies in aggregating restaurant services rather than owning them, exemplifying the aggregator business model prevalent in the online food delivery industry.

Google, no article was posted by itself

Google thrives on organizing others' content, showcasing info management's significance.

People are earning millions of dollars by doing it on the internet.